Whether you need advocating, coaching, or consulting, I am happy to help.

IEP Wilmington North Carolina advocate for special education Erica Groblewski

What is a special education advocate? A special education advocate is someone who can help guide parents through the special education process, facilitate a working relationship with the school, and advocate for the child’s social, emotional, and academic needs. Advocates have the experience and knowledge to ask for specific services, goals, and programs for your child and then work with teachers and administrators to see those services implemented.

As your advocate, I can:

  • Review documents (including IEP, 504, BIP, and PWN documents) before and after meetings

  • Explain evaluations and the eligibility process

  • Draft written requests to the school

  • Create a plan or strategy for an upcoming IEP meeting, prioritizing your concerns and goals

  • Attend meetings and collaborate with the team to develop appropriate goals and services

  • Refer you to community services or special education attorneys if needed

    Special education advocates are not attorneys and cannot give legal advice. However, advocates do have a broad knowledge and understanding of the special education process and state and federal special education laws, such as
    The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). IDEA ensures that all children with disabilities receive a free, appropriate, public education that meets their unique needs. It also protects the rights of children with disabilities and their parents.

  • IEP Wilmington North Carolina advocate for special education Erica Groblewski

    Advocacy Package: Working together during your IEP, 504, or Eligibility Meeting

    Includes 5 hours of advocacy services (in addition to the free 15-minute initial consultation) to be used consulting with the parent, school personnel, or other service providers to prepare for an upcoming IEP, 504, or Eligibility meeting. Advocate WILL attend one meeting: IEP, 504, or Eligibility Meeting.

    Package includes:

    -Initial (free) 15-minute telephone or virtual consultation where the parent and Advocate will discuss issues or concerns for the upcoming IEP, 504, or Eligibility meeting.

    -Review of child’s educational records by Advocate. (2 hours)

    -Second telephone or virtual meeting where the Advocate will give recommendations and suggestions for the upcoming meeting. Parent will have the opportunity to discuss additional concerns and issues. Advocate and Parent will create a plan for the meeting. (1 hour)

    -Telephone, text, and e-mail consultations with the parent, school personnel, or other service providers. Any time spent will be deducted from the 5 hours in the package.

    -Advocate will attend IEP, 504, or Eligibility meeting. Option of in-person (local NC counties) or virtual. (1.5 hours)

    - Virtual or phone review of IEP, 504 plan, or Eligibility results after meeting by Advocate. (30 minutes)

    Package starting at $350

  • IEP Wilmington North Carolina special education advocate

    Coaching Package: Preparing you for an upcoming IEP, 504, or Eligibility Meeting

    Includes 3 hours of coaching services (in addition to the free 15-minute initial consultation) to be used helping the parent prepare for an upcoming IEP, 504, or Eligibility meeting. Advocate will NOT attend the IEP, 504, or Eligibility meeting.

    Package includes:

    -Initial (free) 15-minute telephone or virtual consultation where the parent and Advocate will discuss issues or concerns for the upcoming IEP, 504, or Eligibility meeting.

    -Review of child’s educational records by Advocate. (2 hours)

    -Virtual meeting after the records have been reviewed where the Advocate will supply the parent with a prepared list of recommendations and suggestions for the upcoming meeting so the parent can self-advocate for the child. (1 hour)

    Package starting at $210

Ask the Advocate Hour

Includes one hour of virtual consultation services with advocate. Advocate will ask for specific questions ahead of the meeting to prepare.

Hour includes:

  • Parent questions about the special education process (Individualized Education Programs, 504 plans, eligibility, evaluations and testing, Functional Behavior Assessments, Behavior Implementation Plans, discipline issues, etc.)

  • Solutions to concerns specific to your child

  • Advocacy advice for next steps

  • Resource referral

  • Follow-up e-mail with a summary of what was discussed

Ask the Advocate Hour price: $75

Let’s start today by booking your complimentary 15 minute consultation.